Virtual & Digital Interviews – Mistakes You Want to Avoid
Virtual & Digital Interviews – Mistakes You Want to Avoid
As recruiters, we try to meet everyone that we send to our clients. Since we recruit nationally, we utilize virtual and digital interviewing to meet many of the people we place. As a result, we have seen it all, in terms of a candidate’s preparedness or lack thereof. Today I want to share a simple tip on selecting the appropriate background for your interview.
Clutter Free Background Setting
When engaged in a video, skype or other interview, it is important to have a background that is devoid of clutter, noise and other distractions. Remember, first impressions are lasting. As cliché as that may sound, your potential employer views every aspect of your presentation including how you’re dressed, the space you selected to take the skype/video interview, as a window into the type of employee you would be. It’s also a good idea to test your ability to receive or make a video/skype call prior to the interview so that there’ll be no mishaps. Position yourself so that the interviewer can clearly see your face/upper body. Close shades/blinds to avoid glare on the computer, phone or other device. Last, but not least, speak directly into your device so that the interviewer can hear you clearly.
Happy interviewing. Don’t underestimate the power of a smile